Prof. Changwen Chen
Dean of School of Science and Engineering, CUHK-Shenzhen
借此机会,我向首届毕业生提三点希望,与大家共勉。第一,希望你们树立远大的人生目标,并以端正的品行和不懈的努力将目标实现。端人正士,立志以定其本;璞玉浑金,居正以持其志。第二, 希望你们心胸开阔,以诚待人,常怀感恩之心。海涵地负,惟宽可以容人;山峙渊渟,惟厚可以载物。第三,希望你们掌握终身学习的技能,去应对当今时代日新月异的变化。及时当自勉,孜孜以求;岁月不待人,进步不休。
Dear Graduates,
Once again, it is the season of graduation. May in the South is a time when flowers blossom, decorating Spring with brilliance and aroma. The School of Science and Engineering is proud to present you as our very first graduating class. On behalf of everyone from the School of Science and Engineering, I congratulate you most ardently on your successful completion of undergraduate studies.
I would also like to take this opportunity to share some life advice for you. First, aim high, dream big, and transform your goals into reality through unremitting effort. Hold fast to a character of integrity, genuineness and kind-heartedness while maintaining towards your aspiration with an unbiased mentality. Second, stay open-minded, treat people with sincerity and be grateful. The Ocean is all containing. The Earth is all bearing. Only those with a generous heart can collaborate with people of different perspectives. The Mountains stand high. The Waters gather and unite. Only those with an unwavering character can be entrusted with impactful responsibility. Third, be a life-long learner. Only by equipping yourself through constant learning, can you thrive in this ever-evolving society. Seize the day and work unyieldingly. Time and tide waits for no one. Every day you wait is another day you will never get back!
Prof. Changwen Chen,Dean of School of Science and Engineering, takes a group photo with faculty and First cohort of Bachelor Degree graduates of SSE
Looking into the future, great tasks await you. I hope you can make the best in your prime of youth and live up to your own dreams. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen is proud of you and should always be here for you. I wish each and every one of you a bright future and much success, fulfilling your personal life goals.
结合传统与现代 融会中国与西方